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An app created in a month

We had to act quickly, and that was undoubtedly the greatest challenge that we would encounter with Respire - we had just one month in which to design, develop and launch their app. Respire is an association that regularly comes up with high-impact initiatives designed to raise awareness of air quality, and they called upon us when they needed an app to host their interactive map showing pollution levels across the Ile-de-France region.

Fields of expertise

respire Screens respire Screens

A socially responsible project

Agence 148 is truly committed to improving things. It’s not just a load of bullshit
Sébastien Vray, Respire CEO

It was thanks to this map, in fact, that the association managed to sound the alarm regarding pollution in areas surrounding crèches and schools. The report published in March 2019 created quite a buzz and we are thrilled to have played a role in the initiative since it is important for us to work with clients who have the same values we do. Agence 148 is B-Corp (Benefit Corporation) certified - an accolade awarded to companies that have shown a commitment to creating value not just for their shareholders but also for society as a whole. When it came to the Respire project, we only invoiced them for half of the hours we worked; we are, after all, prepared to tighten up on costs when an organisation that is recognised as promoting the public interest comes knocking at our door.

Read the France TV Info article
Read the Le Monde article
Read the JDD article
eiffel eiffel
homme homme

An optimised user experience

One of the main aims of the Respire project was to create an intuitive and easy-to-use app, and that was where we came in. After all, optimising UX design is our speciality! We took care of both the development and the graphics side of things, meaning that Respire didn’t need to call upon any other service providers, and they quickly approved all aspects of our proposal.

We came up with some ideas and they listened to us and advised us
Sébastien Vray, President, Respire

From a more technical perspective, what we created was a hybrid app, meaning that it was developed for use with both iOS and Android using the Apache Cordova tool. This is the only type of service we offer at Agence 148, for the simple reason that a single code means a single development team and therefore lower development and maintenance costs and greater responsiveness when it comes to future updates.

An open source app

In keeping with the Respire association itself, the decision was taken to publish the app’s source code online; after all, we’re not afraid to share our ideas and our recipes for success. This means that anyone can now use our model free of charge to create their own app.

We’re not afraid to see a client fly the nest; in fact, we would be proud to see Respire create its next app by itself
Mathias Fryde, Co-founder, Agence 148

Concluding with the technical aspects of the app, we should point out that it will, in future, be possible to convert it into a PWA (Progressive Web App) - a technology that allows us to avoid the restrictions of downloading from the App-Store and to perform updates more quickly.

A long-term venture

Sébastien Vray had already called upon our services for his first project, Courseur - a shopping delivery service between neighbours -, when he needed us to develop the app he required to launch the service, so when it came to Respire he decided to place his faith in us once again and of course, we were only too happy to oblige!

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