Alliance pour la Préservation des Forêts
Website and visual identity
Joining forces to
fight deforestation
The Alliance pour la Préservation des Forêts is a group of responsible manufacturers and distributors who have implemented a series of measures designed to fight deforestation. All of the initiatives in which the group is involved are subjected to the scrutiny of social and environmental NGOs. The APF aims to provide information on the issues associated with deforestation, to bridge the gap between private players and stakeholders and to help each of its members to fulfil the commitments they have made. This project was launched in 2018 and required both a logo and a website in order to promote its aims and its values.
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A website with
an original feel
The concept we adopted focused on the browsing experience, plunging visitors to the site to the very heart of the forests it seeks to preserve all around the world, with high-impact visuals immersing them in exotic landscapes as they browse the site in an attempt to get them on board with the organisation’s core values. This approach is supported by an usual reading pattern created by alternating horizontal and vertical sections, all brought to life with a series of reveal animations designed to create a certain dissonance by highlighting the most important content.
The geographical remoteness of the endangered forests leads to a certain indifference on the part of Western audiences, who tend to be more concerned about local issues. We managed to overcome this problem by stating the name of each of the forests in question and linking it to a particular image and accurate GPS coordinates.

A project that reflects
148’s values
The teams at Agence 148 felt particularly involved in this project aimed at protecting forested areas around the world.
In fact, environmental protection and ecological values are at the core of the agency’s DNA.
Needless to say, then, that getting the opportunity to put their graphic design and technical skills to good use on this sort of project was a particularly inspiring and rewarding experience for the whole team.
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