UIC Chimie
Creation of a digital medium for a special initiative pertaining to a careers fair held at the Maison de la Chimie.
The moon is ours !
Fields of expertise
#Artistic Direction #Graphism #UXdesign #UIdesign #Interface

Introducing young students to chemistry professions
UIC Chimie and A Nous La Lune (‘The Moon Is Ours’) called upon the digital expertise of 148 to assist them with a careers fair held in Paris and relating to jobs in the chemistry field, the aim being to enhance the appeal of the catalogue of training courses offered by UIC Chimie. The stand was redesigned to make it more attractive to the young visitors, notably thanks to a new digital approach.

A fun and informative app!
The concept: an app for tablets in the form of a terminal where the user can choose one of 5 spheres before filling in a form reflecting their character and their desires. The result is a job profile and the suggestion of a corresponding training course that can be sent directly to the student by email. The interactive and independent aspects of the tool make it particularly well suited to the target audience.

UX/UI at the centre of the event...
The concept was creative and fun and consisted of a combination of factors relating to the world of chemistry and 148 was able to lend its extensive expertise in the fields of UX and UI to the project. The interactive app was designed using the Cordova tool, which made it possible to adapt the interface to any device. Animations, meanwhile, were managed by Velocity.